Monday, May 24, 2010

Teddy Bear Picnic

What a fun day we had and thank heavens the weather cooperated for us. I was so excited for this day. A few of the kids were able to bring their sibling with them, that would be coming to preschool next year. I got going early and decorated outside a little. We had a bear to welcome them to the picnic and bear footprints leading up to the door.

We did some fun listening skills about bears and sorting the bears or stuffed animal they brought in different sizes, colors and if they had clothes on or not. We also played hot potato with a bear while listening to the song, "The Teddy Bear's Picnic"

Their favorite part was decorating cookies with gummy bears and Teddy Grahams. And of course going outside to eat lunch in the big tent and read stories about Bears. 

At the very end of the day we played Big Bear, Big Bear (a fun tag game) They loved running around and screaming. It was a blast!

Also, I forgot to mention that our butterflies hatched last Tuesday! Right while the kids were there. I couldn't have planned the timing more perfectly. We will release them next week for graduation!

The red stuff is meconium (not blood). They pump color through their wings at the very end and it releases that red stuff.


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