Wednesday, May 5, 2010


This post is from last week. I was out of town all weekend and didn't have time to update everything until now. We had a great time with rocks last week. The kids loved learning about how they are formed and were so excited about making their own rock collection. On thursday the kiddos got to be geologists. We did all sorts of experiments with their rocks and they were so excited about each one. 

We looked at the rocks with magnifying glasses.

Measured them to see how long they were.

Tested for iron in the rock (if they were magnetic)

Found out what colors were in our rocks.

Tested how hard our rocks were and if they could scratch glass.

Found out what rocks had limestone in them (the rocks would bubble in the vinegar)

If their rocks sink or float (all but one obviously sunk)

There were some pretty amazing looking rocks!

Thanks for all your help gathering and putting together these fantastic rock collections!

These are our edible ladybugs we made. They were super yummy.


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