Friday, May 28, 2010

Graduation Day!

It was a great day despite the wind blowing all the kids caps off and all of my decorations getting blown away. They looked so cute and were so excited. We sang 3 songs that they had chosen as their favorites. "The Chicken Dance" "Sally the Camel" and "Tiny Tim".

We were missing a couple of kids in this picture. 

Then I had each child come up as I read a little note that I had written to them with a picture of me with them. They were excited to get the star suckers that I had to go with the diploma. 

Afterwards we were able to let our butterflies go off into the world. They didn't really want to leave so the kids were able to hold one while their parents got a picture. I had to laugh at a couple kids who wanted to hold the butterflies a little to rough. :) 

Afterwards the kids were off to play on the playground. Thank you for all of  you who brought a treat to share, they were delicious! 

Thank you also for making this a fantastic year. I loved teaching your adorable child and am looking forward to a great year next fall. :) 


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