Sunday, September 16, 2012

Another year of fun and laughing!

First day of school! 
Here is part of our Tuesday/Thursday class. We were missing a couple. 

 And of course a silly face picture.

We talked a lot about friends and rules today. They got to make a little paper doll look like themselves. We talked about putting on all the parts of our face like eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, hair, ears. I love how some of them turned out so cute. One little girl made her nose look like a music note. I loved it!

We also made a friendship fruit salad. We talked about how fruit looks and taste different, just like our friends look different. We compared all the different hair colors in our class, and how some are taller than others, some wear glasses, some have pets, and we like different things too. We added all of our different fruits and then I tried to add a rotten banana. The kids all yelled "no" when I pulled it out. I told them that it is hard to like someone who isn't always nice and a good friend, sort of like how the banana is rotten and we don't want to add it to our salad. It is funny how much they remember that banana. The last few times we have had class they always talk about that banana and how they are going to be nice to their friends.

Color Week! We learned our primary colors this week.

Having fun with file folder games, and practicing our colors.

Blue Day
Looking for blue lizards, snakes, and animals in the bean table.

 Making Blue Bugs out of our letter B.

This one was a spider with it's 8 legs.

I love these Scholastic letter books that my mother in law gave me. They are so interactive with the kids and have lots of funny pictures.

Math practice: We worked on counting and addition this week. We also practiced grouping and comparing using the words most and least.
Yellow Day:
We played a game that is sort of like Freeze Dance. I would play music while the kids were dancing around. After I paused the music they had to run and find something in the room that was yellow.

We had fun painting a yellow picture with Yellow peppers, Lemons and Corn on the Cob.

Having fun in the dress up box.

Red Day: or basically watermelon day.
We learned the song Down By the Bay and talked about rhyming words. They love this song and how silly it is.
We measured a watermelon, counted how many stripes were on it, and checked to see if watermelons sink or float.
We also, painted our own watermelons and added real watermelon seeds.

This little guy said it was a rotten watermelon. (like I said, they really seem to remember that rotten banana.)   :)

We also made a watermelon slushy that I made a couple years ago. It was a lot better this year because I  added more lime sherbet this time. You can find the recipe on the side bar of the blog under watermelon week if you want to make it.

It was a great first week and I am loving these kids! Just a reminder that book orders are due this coming Thursday. I forgot to pass them out to the kids that come only on Wednesday so I will be giving them to you soon. Sorry about that.
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