Friday, August 17, 2012

Rain Forests and Robots

I have loved some of the art work we have done the last couple of weeks. The kids have such great imaginations and are so creative.

For Rain forest day we started off by reading a couple of books. 

I love the book The Umbrella because it has a hidden tree frog on almost every page. After reading this book we passed around my giant frog and played hot potato with him while listening to jungle music. 

We also made our own rainforest pictures and glued on leaves, grass, and glitter for our raindrops. 

 This guy made some great looking jungle green paint by mixing the colors.

 What am I going to do without Miss Lyndsay this Fall? She is such a great help and the kids love her. We will all miss her when she goes back to teaching her own preschool class in a couple of weeks.

 They all loved using my sponge stamps too.

We also had a robot day. I asked a little guy if he would bring his robot dog he got for his birthday to share with the class. He was so excited to show him off. He taught the class that robots are not real people or animals, they need batteries, they have a button to push to start them, and they are really cool and smart! 

We made our own robots out of squares and rectangles. The kids were so creative and loved putting hair, shoes, and even bellybuttons on them. 

At the end of class I taught them how to dance like a robot and we had fun grooving to some techno music. 

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