Tuesday, March 23, 2010

W is for Whale

Today we learned about the letter W. We made these cute whales for art. The kids had a lot of fun painting them and putting in the water spout. Blue Whales are fascinating animals, check out this national geographic page to learn some neat facts that we talked about and see some real pictures. http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/blue-whale.html

We also made a list of things we need vs. thing we want today. It was cute when they kept saying all sorts of healthy foods that we need to live. On the list of things we need to live were; food, water, house, clothes and sleep. When we got to things we need I was thinking that they would say a bunch of toys they wanted but instead many said chocolate, diet coke, sprite. I had to giggle. :) We continued our list and thought of some more ideas; turtles, dolls, cars, and my favorite was a washer and dryer although I technically feel that we "need" these to survive. Hope you have a great week. Thanks for all the help from those of you that came last week for our field trip. I had a great time I hope you did too.


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