Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I am going to name him "Fragile"

We made these little guys for art on Tuesday. The kids really loved painting and picking out the pom poms that would make their little chick. When I had shown my example to the kids they asked me what his name was. I hadn't thought of a name so i said, "Frank is his name". The kids started to giggle. "What a silly name Miss Julie". As we finished making them we had 7 little chicks and one turtle. If you have read previous posts I'm sure you can guess who wanted to make the turtle. Why not they come from eggs as well. I hear one little girl say, " Guess what my chick's name is Miss Julie? Fragile!" Now that is much more creative then Frank. :)  Man, I love these Kiddos!

I had decided to make these for easter as I remember making them as a small child. I had 4 or 5 of them. 2 big ones (Mommy and Daddy) and the rest were the babies. I loved them so much and took them everywhere with me. I kept telling people that they were about ready to hatch.

I had wanted to get an incubator and hatch our own eggs until a fellow teacher of mine told me that I wouldn't enjoy doing it. She said sometimes some of them can't walk and you have to get rid of those ones so that the healthy chicks don't kill it. So I decided that FOR SURE wasn't going to work. I am much too tender hearted. I am still keeping up tradition and will be doing the butterfly hatching in May though! I hope you have a great Easter Holiday. I am looking forward to our Easter party on Thursday.


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