Tuesday, November 1, 2016

October 2016

We finished off our color days this month. For purple day the kids learned the Purple People Eater song and we made our own one eyed, one horned purple people eater. We read the book Harold and the Purple Crayon. The kids made their own crown and traced their name with glue to add glitter. We also made a purple cow drink with grape juice and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. We practiced singing the purple song and played a game with my purple cow stuffed animal to practice each letter.

We have been learning about primary colors, red, blue and yellow. We mixed them this day and made our own purple paint.

Click below to hear our purple song

For orange day we learned how a pumpkin grows and added the words to our word wall. We measured a real pumpkin and used our senses to touch and smell the pumpkin. The kids made their own pumpkin and we added real pumpkin seeds and some crunchy yellow paper for the pulp. We also did some pumpkin centers this day. They made pumpkins out of play dough and added them to the correct number mat, they counted seeds, matched jack o lanterns in a pumpkin game and played in our water bead sensory bin. 

Click below for orange song

For black, white and brown day we mostly focused on spiders and the number 8. The kids made their own spider out of the number 8. They added 8 legs to their spiders and 8 eyes. They are hanging up for our halloween party. :) We played a friendship game with yarn making a spider web. They made spider counting books and we did some spider centers with a 10 frame and magnets to practice number recognition and one to one correspondence. They sang itsy bitsy spider and helped the spider climb up the water spout and fall down with medicine droppers full of water. They made their own web with letters and yarn strung through holes. 

Click below for songs

We have been learning about Season changes and we learned about Fall this month. We made a letter L for leaves and added lots of leaves to their letter. For centers they played a game called Sneaky Squirrel, played a Squirrel shape match game, fall/harvest play dough with acorns and pinecones, and matched leaves to the correct letter on each mat. 

We had a great time at HEEHAW Farm for our field trip this month. 

E is for Ears and Spooky Eyes

We graphed the different colors of eyes in our class to see what color we have the most and least of. We played a hiding game to use our eyes to see who in our class was missing. They played a listening bingo game of different animals and sounds around the city. They loved this! They rolled a dice to see how many eyes to add to their monster. 

Letter Tracing practice for morning starter

C is for Cat (Pete the Cat)

This was a fun day. They made their own cat out of the letter C. We rolled a giant dice to see what number we rolled and then colored that number on our Pete the Cat paper. We played a Pete the Cat muncher game. Pete only likes to eat words that start with the same letters in the word Cat. We picked up a picture and they would tell me if it started with a C-A-T by listening to the beginning sound. If it did they got to feed the picture to Pete. If not they shook their finger and said "Goodness No!" Just like he does in the book. They each got a turn with our listening game to tell us something Pete would want them to do. Mrs. Chelise came this day and did Halloween Yoga with them. The kids had a great time. 

Our Halloween party was super fun with bowling, Don't eat Jack, a craft, Pin the bow on Mr. Bones, Listening Spooky Bingo, Balloon toss and Jack-o-lantern catch. We decorated cookies, made a witches brew and sang our Halloween song along with a couple books. Thank you to those of you that were able to come and help. 

Making our Witches' Brew. It wasn't too scary this year since I was Glinda the good witch. 

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow at Willy Wonka Play. See you soon. :) 


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