Sunday, March 17, 2013

Field Trip, Dr. Suess and St. Patrick's Day

Dr. Suess day: We read the book One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. Then for snack time they got to sort their goldfish by numbers into the correct bowl. 

We also read this fun book. I love all the make believe creatures Dr. Suess imagined. The kids loved this book too.

 Then we made our own Wocket's and put them in a pocket. They each got to tell me what their creature liked to do. 

Later we read the book Green Eggs and Ham. I made them a little treat out of white chocolate and green m&m's. I told them they were real green eggs before I got them out of the closet. Nobody wanted to eat them. But once they saw them they were more than happy to dig in. :)

We had lots of fun our field trip to Texas Roadhouse. The kids went on  a tour of the kitchen, they got to  color on the floor with sidewalk chalk. they learned a line dance, and they finished up eating lunch. What a fun day!

St. Patrick's Day is one of my favorite holidays. I love how these kids will believe anything and just love anything new. We read some fun books about Leprechauns.

We also did some journal writing of what they would do if they caught a leprechaun. My favorite was, "I would have a tea party with him!"

This little girl said her leprechaun was pink and purple. :)

They practiced their tracing skills by tracing a shamrock with green paint.

We had some fun with stamp art and making shamrocks out of green peppers.

We graphed Lucky Charm marshmallows. The marshmallow that was in there the most were the moons. It wasn't surprising since the only box they had right now claimed, "Now with all new swirled moons!" The kids thought it was so exciting that their moons went all the way off the graph.

We made a leprechaun trap.

And then on the last day of class that silly leprechaun got into our green paint and left paint footprints all over our walls, and tables. He even turned our toilet water green and put chairs upside down and on top of bookshelves. We never caught him but he left us some clues to his treasure where they all got a gold coin.

I found these cute hats at the dollar store. They got to be a leprechaun and we sang the song, One Little, Two Little, Three Little Leprechauns. Sung to "Ten Little Indians" at the end of the song we would say an action that the leprechauns were doing. Such as; clapping, hopping etc. They got to do that action the next time we sang it.

We played Bingo with a pot of gold and letters. Instead of having beans to cover the letters they got to dip their finger in gold paint and add gold to their pot. Once they filled up their whole pot they would stand up and do a little leprechaun jig.

The last game that was a huge hit went like this. I had 4 different bowls labeled G-O-L-D. I had cut out a bunch of coins out of yellow paper the night before and labeled them with one of the letters. Then I put them out all over the room. When I called their name they got to be a fast leprechaun and go find a piece of gold. If they picked up a G they would do "Giant" steps back to the bowl and drop their piece of gold. If it was an O they would do circles, L would leap frog and D would dance. They loved this game! The best part was for the ones that were slow deciding which one to pick. I kept telling them that I was going to catch them if they didn't hurry. :) 

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