Thursday, October 4, 2012

Kids will believe anything!

For Brown day we read the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see? by Bill Martin and Eric Carle. I love this book because the kids can read it along with me. After we read it we made our own book (well we were going to make a class book but all the kids cried when I wouldn't let them take their picture home).  :) They got to decide what they saw. My favorite was one little girl who saw her orange brother. 

We played Brown Bear Bingo as well. Here is the site that you can print off the actual pictures from the book. brown bear bingo

Black and White day we made zebra masks: 

 First birthday of the year: These were the BEST cupcakes ever! His mom should open a cupcake shop.

Apple Day: Made our own apple trees. Just cut out trunk and tree and then roll up red and green crete paper. Decorate with crayons and add some extra pictures.

We all ate a slice of green, red and yellow apples. Then we made a graph to see which color was our class favorite. Looks like it was a tie between green and red.

October is here and we have had fun telling some spooky jokes. How does a vampire get clean? He takes a blood bath.

Letter C we made some black halloween cats.

Letter D: We talked all about dinosaurs and made a  chart to see what the kids already know about them. We also talked about them being extinct and the different ways scientists think they died. One was a huge volcano erupted and killed them all. So we made our own volcano out of play dough. The cup in the middle had dish soap and baking soda. I forgot to put in the red food coloring. Bummer! Then pour your vinegar in and watch it erupt.

Volcano snack: Chocolate pudding, sugar cone, red frosting and dinosaur fruit snacks.

 Game we played: Don't get stuck in the swamp. The swamp was small and then got bigger. Just put string or jump ropes out to make your swamp. I even played it too.

I told the kids I found a dinosaur egg and I hid it. When they found it they were so excited and were knocking on it telling the baby dinosaur to come out. I had a knife to help pry it open. They were so worried I Was going to hurt the baby. After I opened it and they saw it was a watermelon they wanted to know where the baby was. I told them I had played a trick on them and painted the watermelon for fun. I reminded them that dinosaurs are extinct and we couldn't see a baby one anymore. We all had a good laugh. (Especially me)  I love how this age believes anything you tell them. :)

Just a reminder that Tuesday is our Field Trip: Wear your orange preschool shirt.
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