Sunday, February 26, 2012

5 senses and one messy day!

We finished up our 5 senses unit. Some of the activities we did for taste were talking about the tongue and the different taste buds that are on our tongue. I showed them a tongue map and we talked about the different types of tastes (bitter, sweet, sour, salty). Afterwards I had them try different types of foods and see where on their tongue they could taste them. The first was UnSweetened chocolate. The kids were so excited to have chocolate and all of them except one thought it would be sweet. One little guy predicted it would be bitter. Their faces of joy quickly turned into disgust! They were all running to the garbage can to spit it out. I had a good laugh. :) Next we had potato chips for salty. They all loved this! And then lemons for sour. Some of the kids wouldn't even try the lemon. Last was some orange slices which were sweet. Of course this was everyone's favorite.

Just put the chocolate in their mouths.

Now the fun begins.
 Love this face! poor guy

Eating a lemon :)

Sugar makes everyone happy.

For sight we played a game of looking at a tray of 10 objects for 30 seconds. Then I would take something away and they had to try and remember what they saw and figure out what was missing. We also made some eyes out of carrots, cream cheese and olives. They were a yummy snack and would be fun to make for a Halloween party.

To finish off our unit I had the kids bring something from home that made a sound. We played a game to "Guess that Sound." They stood behind a blanket and made noise with what they brought while the kids guessed what was making the noise. They really had fun with this. Afterwards we made this cute art project with all the 5 senses. Googly eyes for sight, Cotton ball dipped in perfume for smell, licorice rope for taste, bells for hearing, and felt or sandpaper hands for touch.
 Having some fun with the licorice.

 What an adorable angel she is :)

We are starting our weather unit. On Thursday we watched the book Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. I say watched the book because I couldn't find mine and luckily I found it on YouTube to show on my Apple TV. Here is the link: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

We then made some umbrellas since we have been learning about Letter U and had whatever food they wanted, to be falling from the sky. The kids loved this and most had candy, ice cream and chocolate. Although I loved one little guy's idea of money falling from the sky. Wouldn't that be nice?

For cooking this day we made Spaghetti and Meatballs! The best comment when I told them we would be making this was from a cute little girl. She said, "Yes! Finally I get some meat at this place!"

I would only recommend doing this activity if you are prepared to clean up a big mess of spaghetti noodles :) It was a lot of fun though and the kids loved it!


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