Here are some of the latest things we have been doing:
Having lots of fun practicing letters in shaving cream.
I didn't get a picture of all of the things we did, but you basically get different objects and blow bubbles on them to see if the bubble will stick or pop. Things that the bubbles popped on included: dirt, straw, piece of paper and a plastic plate. Things that the bubbles stuck to included: Tin Foil, water and soapy water.
We also talked about the leaves changing colors and falling off the ground. The kids got to collect some leaves and made a picture with them.
I love this picture: He thought it would be fun if all the leaves fell on top of the guy!
Also in honor of Halloween coming up we did some activities related to spiders. We made a spider friendship web. Basically you have the kids sit in a circle and then take a ball of yarn taking turns rolling it to other people. Each time it is rolled we held it in place with a piece of tape. Before the child could roll it they had to give a compliment to somebody. There were some really cute things said. Most liked telling someone that they liked playing with them. There were a few that said they liked someone's shirt, their socks or their smile. :)
We also made thumbprint spiders. I love seeing how creative the kids can be.