Wow what a great week! We had a blast. We have been learning about the olympics and the kids got to participate in their own olympics. It was a blast.
These are the olympic flags we made. They got to march in together and we sang "It's a Small World After All".
For science the next few weeks we will be going over the 5 senses. Today we learned about the sense of smell. I had each cup covered with some holes to smell. They made some of the funniest guesses as to what they thought was in each one.
Guesses: Pickles and Olives. Pickles was the right choice!
Guesses: Top Ramen, Pepper Correct Answer: Onion
Guesses: Bananas Correct answer: Marshmallows
Guesses: Flowers, Ramen Noodles, Soap Correct Answer: Wax that smells like flowers
They all guessed this one right! Bananas
Everyone got this one right: Cinnamon

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