Today was SO much fun! For science this month we are learning about different arctic animals. Today we talked about penguins. I taught the kids about emperor penguins and how the Dad takes care of the egg while the mom swims off to find food for the baby and the dad. We talked about the dad keeping the egg nestled close to his body between his feet to keep the egg warm. If he drops the egg it will break from the cold air. Each of the kids got to take an egg (a rolled up sock) and keep it in between his ankles. It was so cute to watch them protect their little egg and to quickly pick it up and put it back in if it fell off. We then learned about Penguins feathers and how they keep warm. We did and experiment with ice to show how the down feathers keep the penguin warm. The down feathers capture air and this helps keep them warm from the cold wind. It was a great day and a lot of fun. It was pretty funny during cooking to watch them stick the egg we used earlier under their shirts telling everyone they were going to have a baby penguin. Thank heavens it's not my job to explain that one to them :)
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