Saturday, October 17, 2009

Will it Sink or will it Float?

This week was Fall Break so we only had class on Tuesday. I made sure I got cooking and Science in since we had our field trip last week and because these are the FAVORITES for the kiddos. For science we played a little game of will it sink or will it float? They got so excited to pick an object out of the bag and make a guess before putting it in the water. I was really surprised by a few of the results. I had thought for sure the chapstick would sink but it floated and the cotton ball ended up sinking once it was filled with water. :0 It was a lot of fun! For cooking we made Carmel Apples with candy corns. They were tasty and everyone loved dipping and decorating.
Chip Clip floated
Action Figure sunk very quickly!
Potato sunk to the bottom.
Apple floated, anyone want to bob for apples?
The whistle sunk.
The small dish floated high.
Of course the nail polish sunk.
The empty pill bottle floated.


Coley said...

You can tell they all really had fun with that! I would never have guessed that would have been so fun!

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