Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Letter C Day!

Well I am so bummed, I went hiking with my dad on Monday and left my camera with him so unfortunately there aren't any pictures for this day. I will try to update some pictures tomorrow as we continue with letter C week. We started the day normal with circle time and then learned about the 9 basic colors and colored Caterpillars. For science we learned about how mixing colors can make a new color. The kids absolutely loved being little scientists and watching the colors change right before their eyes. On Thursday we will be watching and learning about carnations and how they drink through their stem. I have been putting carnations in colored water all night and just hoping that they have changed enough by tomorrow to show the kiddos. More to come tomorrow! I can't believe it is almost the end of September and that the first month is almost done. I just love these little guys in my house. They make me so happy with all their little hugs and hearing them call my name out all day. I'm so glad I decided to do this although it has been pretty busy lately doing school and teaching piano. But I am happier than I ever thought I could be :)


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