Monday, February 4, 2013

Happy New Year!

We started off 2013 with a ton of fun! 

We made some new year resolutions: 

Clean my room more

 Clean my room
 Play with my puppies
 Eat healthy food
 Help mommy make cookies more.

We put New Year party hats in order from smallest to biggest.

We learned about the Arctic and polar animals. 

Some great books we read. 

The kids got to paint their own penguins. They turned out so cute.

We practiced being daddy penguins and  made sure our baby penguins and eggs didn't fall out from under our legs. 

Hurry, pick it up quick. :)

We learned about Polar bears and all the blubber they have under their fur to keep them warm. We put together sentences about polar bear facts. We discussed capital letters and punctuation.

We made polar bear puppets afterwards. Some wanted to make theirs into frogs. :)

And we made a polar bear snack out of oreos, bananas, and chocolate chips. 

We stamped Legos onto our Letter L's on letter L day. 

Iceberg day: We played with snow (shaving cream). We practiced writing our letters in it and had fun just getting messy. 

We melted our icebergs that were floating in an ocean.

And we had a iceberg snack. (Just blue Kool aid mixed with sprite and then a iceberg (vanilla ice cream) floating on the top.)

Letter N day we practiced our numbers and played some fun games with numbers. Then glued a bunch of numbers onto our letter N. 

We also have been working on our nursery rhymes. We practiced Hickory Dickory Dock for one of them and made some clocks to practice telling time. 

Letter O day we made necklaces out of cheerios and fruit loops shaped like o's. 

Letter Q- Q tip painting.

Made Quarter Books

 And tossed real quarters into bowls.

Nursery Rhyme- Star Light, Star Bright. We made telescopes by punching holes into black paper. Then when you look up at the light with them it looks like stars twinkling in the night sky.

Magic Painting- we colored stars onto white paper with crayons and then painted on top of it to watch the invisible picture appear.

Also turned letter Q's into quilted queens.

 And ate yummy quesadillas.

 Letter o- ocean fun. We finger painted our own oceans and glued on some fish.

 Then ate some blue jello with a swedish fish at the bottom. The fish was all soggy, so next time I will let them put the fish on top rather than putting it at the bottom when I make them. :)

Sorry for SO many pictures! Whenever I pull the camera out they all want me to take a picture of them to show their moms and dads. Too cute! Can't wait to see them again. Hopefully my little guy will get feeling better real soon. Thanks for you understanding. 

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