Thursday, November 29, 2012

November 2012

I can't believe how quickly time flies by! Sorry I didn't get these pictures in before Thanksgiving. I hope you all had a great holiday and had a lot of fun with your family. Here are some of the fun things we have been doing.

We have been learning lots about community helpers this month. Here are some of the activities we did to go along with each worker.

Fire Fighters:

We read some books about their duties and then made a fire truck snack.
 We made a Fire Fighter puppet dog.

And visited our local Fire Station.

Police Officers: We read the book, "Officer Buckle and Gloria" and another book that explains the job a policeman has. We took our fingerprints and examined them with magnifying glasses. We discussed how every person in the world has different finger prints. 

Then we made some police badges. 

Doctors and Nurses

We had a real nurse come talk to us about her job and show us her stethoscope and blood pressure cuff. 

Then we made some doctor kits that had a mask, gloves, cotton balls and swabs, and band aids in it.
 We made our own stethoscopes out of egg carton cups and yarn.

I didn't get a lot of pictures of this day but we made our own baker hats and then we looked at all the tools that the baker uses and made some yummy chocolate chip cookies! 

Happy Belated Thanksgiving! I am so grateful for all my crazy little Turkeys! 

  Class Pictures! I have the cutest and smartest kids ever. I will be sending these home soon for you to have a copy but thought I would post some for you to enjoy right now.

Tuesday/Thursday class

Wednesday Class

Missing one little guy. Will add him next week. :) 

And last but not least we made these Count Down to Christmas snowmen. It was suppose to be a Santa Claus from the site I found on Pinterest but it turned out more like a snowman when I simplified it. Just cut off a number each day and watch him melt away until Christmas gets here. 

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