Thursday, April 7, 2011

Frog Life Cycle

I am sort of bummed out. I was planning all year on ordering tadpoles from Insect Lore to watch them grow into frogs but when I called to order they said Utah has some law that does not allow frogs to be shipped here. Weird? I tried a few other places but they didn't carry tadpoles, and I thought about doing Praying Mantis eggs because they hatch between 95 to 200 insects but you have to release them right away or else they start eating each other. GROSS! So I think I will just order the butterflies again. They are always so much fun and the kids love them.

This week we talked about the Frog Life Cycle;

We sang some frog songs and then played a game with lily pads and a play frog. You have to try and get the frog to land on one of the lily pads. I was planning on doing it outside with a swimming pool for the pond but the weather was crummy this day.

We also made these wheels to show the life cycle of frogs. It is also fun to do bubble wrap for the eggs if you have some. 

For cooking we made these delicious frogs. I was snacking on the peanut butter dip for lunch afterwards it was so yummy. You can also substitute just cream cheese or chocolate spread if you have a nut allergy. 

Here is the recipe out of my Kid's Cookbook:

Green Apples
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup cream cheese
2 Tbsp. Powder Sugar
Green Grapes
Chocolate chips

Cut apples into wedges, I love using my Pampered Chef Apple cutter. If you don't plan on eating them right away it would be good to put the apples in lemon juice to prevent browning. 

Mix peanut butter, powder sugar and cream cheese together. Put mixture between 2 apple wedges. Add more mixture on top for eyes. Then using a toothpick thread on a grape and chocolate chip and poke toothpick through the apple. 



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