What a fun but busy week! The weather has been so nice that we had to get outside this week. For green day we sort of made it similar to Earth Day, even though that isn't until the Spring time. We talked about the earth and all the things outside that are beautiful. We talked about ways to keep the earth beautiful and to keep the planet healthy.
The kids made some art work to go along with some of their favorite things outside.
We also went to the park right by my house and helped pick up litter to clean it up. We finished up the day with some field games and playing on the playground. Thanks Nicole for your help with this walking field trip.
Besides learning our colors we have also been working on the numbers 1 through 10. I recently found a ton of great preschool supplies at PartyLand. The kids love practicing writing their numbers and we are working our how to hold a pencil correctly.
For orange day we measured a pumpkin and cut it open. The kids were able to use their senses to touch, smell and feel the inside and outside of a pumpkin. We counted some of the seeds, until they started to lose interest at about 35 and there were probably 100 seeds inside. :)
We practiced cutting circles and squares to make our own pumpkin and then they were able to glue some pumpkin seeds onto their artwork.

This guy loved his glue :)
Cooking today was Delicious! We made these super yummy pumpkin shakes. If you love pumpkin pie then you for sure need to try this shake out. I added more ice cream just cuz I love mine super creamy. Hope you enjoy it.
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
3/4 cup vanilla yogurt
1/2 cup milk
1 to 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream (more if you like it that way)
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/8 tsp. nutmeg
Mix it all up and then enjoy your pumpkin pie as a milk shake.