You will have to forgive me for not updating the blog the last couple of weeks. Life got super busy and I kept forgetting to get to it. We had a great month though! We were able to do Christmas Around the World and learn about different ways that other kids celebrate Christmas. The first Country we talked about was Germany. Their Santa Claus is named St. Nikolous. Saint Nikolous Eve is on December 6th. On that night, German children put a shoe in front of their home's fireplace, so that Saint Nicholas will leave behind goodies. This custom is a bit similar to our Santa Claus tradition, in that children wait to see whether they have been deemed "good" or "bad" by Saint Nick. Children who think they may have been "bad" worry that twigs will be left in their shoes. They also love to decorate their homes with Gingerbread houses. The children were able to decorate their own gingerbread house and color a picture of the German Santa Claus.

Another day we talked about Christmas in Mexico. They have presents delivered from the three kings also on January 6th. In Mexico they love to celebrate with lots of pinatas. They also make homemade ornaments with foil. I thought I took pictures of the ornaments we made but can't seem to find them. We used tin foil cupcake liners and flattened them out and then glued scraps of green and red tissue paper on it. I then punched a hole at the top and strung some yarn through it. The kids loved learning how to say Merry Christmas is Spanish. Feliz Navidad! I found a picture online of a foil ornament to give you an idea of some of the ornaments they might make.

We also had a Polar Express Day this month. The kids looked so cute all dressed up in their pajamas. We played a couple of Christmas Games and then I had them all sit in rows that would be like a train. We read the book and talked about the bell and how the boy was the only one in the end who could hear the bell of santa's sleigh ring. It was because he still believed in Santa Claus. I had some large bells that looked very much like the bell from the book and we took turns jingling it while singing jingle bells. For cooking today we made homemade hot chocolate. I have a really good friend who is obsessed with "real" hot chocolate not the stuff out of cans. I use to think it must taste pretty similar but I was so wrong. This hot chocolate was so delicious and healthy as well. It is made with honey to make it sweet instead of sugar. It is also really easy to make.
Hot Chocolate
2 cups milk (or try 2% milk)
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
Combine 1 cup milk, honey, and cocoa powder in a saucepan and heat on stove on low/medium heat until honey and cocoa dissolve. Add the other cup of milk. Heat until you get the temperature just the way you like it. Whatever you do, don't boil. Top with whipped cream or marshmallows.
Serves 2.
I gave them each a peppermint stick to stir their hot chocolate and suck on too.
We were also really busy taking pictures and working on our Christmas books we made for the parents.
Finally the last day we had our big Christmas party! Thank you so much to those of you that helped out, it was so much fun. We played a fun game with a gift bad and a bean bag. The kids had to balance the bean bag on different parts of their body and get it into the gift bag. They also played Santa Says which is just like Simon Says. We made a really yummy popcorn treat with m &m's and almond bark. We read some christmas and winter books. Played the dance freeze game. Just turn on some Christmas or any music really and let the kids dance like crazy, freezing when the music stops. They love this game. And we also opened our gifts from each other, every child was able to get a new book!
I hope you all had a wonderful Winter Break and Christmas. I am looking forward to starting up again in a couple days. See you soon!